DepartmentFacultySubjectSemesterTopic TypePaper TypeUnitTopic DescSub TopicClass
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC1TheorySelectUnit 2Introductory Microeconomics Supply and demand- how markets work, 16
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC1TheorySelectUnit 4Introductory Microeconomics The Firm and perfect market structure 18
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC1TheorySelectUnit 5Introductory Microeconomics Imperfect market structure 8
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC1TheorySelectUnit 7Introductory Microeconomics Tutorial10
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC2TheorySelectUnit 2Introductory Macroeconomics Simple Keynesian model in a closed economy 14
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC2TheorySelectUnit 4Introductory Macroeconomics Money supply and money demand11
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC2TheorySelectUnit 6Introductory Macroeconomics The external sector12
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC2TheorySelectUnit 7Introductory Macroeconomics Tutorial5
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC3TheorySelectUnit IIssues in economic development and India Meaning of economic development 25
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC3TheorySelectUnit 3Issues in economic development and India Development of the dual economy and development strategies 15
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC3TheorySelectUnit 5Issues in economic development and India Tutorial8
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECONOMICS (SEC)3TheorySelectUnit IElementary rural development Basic issues in rural development 12
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECONOMICS (SEC)3TheorySelectUnit 3Elementary rural development Selected government programs and rural development 6
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC4TheorySelectUnit IIndian economic policies Macroeconomic policies and their impact15
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC4TheorySelectUnit 2Indian economic policies Policies and performance in agriculture 21
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC4TheorySelectUnit 5Indian economic policies Tutorial15
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECONOMICS (SEC)4TheorySelectUnit IEntrepreneurship and development Basic issues of entrepreneurship and development 10
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECONOMICS (SEC)4TheorySelectUnit 4Entrepreneurship and development Sickness in small business 6
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC5TheorySelectUnit 2Money and Banking Financial institutions and financial markets 22
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC5TheorySelectUnit 3Money and Banking Interest rates 12
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC6TheorySelectUnit IPublic finance Theory of public finance 40
ECONOMICSDebi Prasad Lahiri ECOGCC6TheorySelectUnit 4Public finance Tutorial7
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